The Mass Box: Review, Discount and GIVEAWAY!

***Make sure you read all the way down for the discount and giveaway***

You may recall if you’ve been around the blog a while that back in Lent (I know, so long ago and at the same time, what? Advent is in a month?!), I shared a few times about the wonders and joys of a new box that we had arrive at the house. This is a brand new subscription box that will revolutionize the way that your family approaches the Mass and certainly did for us this Lent.

Aptly named The Mass Box, this box arrived at our house just before Lent started. It contained not just really creative ideas for crafts with my kids, it had everything we needed to actually DO the crafts! How many times has Pintrest or blog done that for you? Each craft is thoughtfully made to be engaging for ages approximately 3-7 and as they are getting ready to officially launch the program they even offer the option for boxes that will have duplicates if you have more than one child in that age range. Plus, there are copies of Magnifikid, the kids version of the Magnificat. Plus more, each week this awesome family is producing youtube videos (Catholic Crafts with Clare) that feature their daughter Clare working through the week’s craft and talking about the reading/theme for the upcoming Sunday.

The Mass Box Review plus discount and giveaway at
Rosie working on her Ash Wednesday face. Even the yarn in a variety of colors was provided! Copyright 2016 Kate Taliaferro

Lent was amazing. The kids looked forward to a new video being revealed each week and immediately wanted to plunge into the craft. They made Ash Wednesday faces, a felt picture of Jesus in the desert and even their own paschal candle. They were so proud of what they had accomplished. Kids are very tactile and I think, at least for my kids, if we talk about something while they are working on a project that aligns, their retention skyrockets. So, when we got to Mass on the Sunday where we heard the reading about Jesus being tempted in the desert, John whispered to me “Mommy, it’s just like the Jesus we have on the refrigerator! He’s going to tell the devil to go away, right Mommy?” Couldn’t have been prouder.

There are two things that I especially loved about The Mass Box besides just the awesome crafts and age appropriate preparation for Mass.

  1. The creators took the time to select crafts that would work for the Gospel for each week. Now before you say, Duh, of course they did, consider this. Depending on your parish and your RCIA program, the third, fourth and fifth Sunday of Lent could have different readings than the regular Gospel reading because of the Scrutinies. This means they took the time to check both readings and come up with crafts that could work for either reading. Liturgical awareness and knowledge – check! This also gives me confidence that the crafts they have chosen were selected with care and thought, not just thrown together based on the “theme” for the Sunday.
  2. The Mass Box Review plus discount and giveaway at
    John and the Blessing Bag. Copyright 2016 Kate Taliaferro

    Not everything was a craft! Don’t get me wrong, I love crafts. But some days I’m not so into it. There was one Sunday where all that was provided was a gallon bag. We talked about how there are those who have less than we do and it is part of our responsibility as children of God and members of the community to reach out and help take care of them. The kids went through the pantry and chose non-perishable items (applesauce pouches, oreos, fruit snacks, popcorn and cans of fruit) to put in our “Blessing Bag” which we carried in the car with us until we found an opportunity to give it to someone in need. This is where The Mass Box really takes off for me. It’s about more than just preparing the kids for Mass. It is capable of engaging the faith of the parents as well. Very smart and a unique catechetical tool for sure.

I’m so excited to share that The Mass Box‘s trial run for Lent was a huge success and they are ready to officially launch the program for Advent and will continue beyond the season. A box will arrive once a month with everything you need for crafts and activities, the Magnifikids and coloring sheets that correspond to the readings. The December box will have a bonus craft for the first Sunday of Advent which is on Nov. 27 (stop frantically shopping for Advent candles for your wreath, The Mass Box has you covered).

I’m very proud to be an affiliate with The Mass Box and if you decide to subscribe for your family you can use the coupon code


You will receive 10% off your first month. As an affiliate, I will also receive a small kickback which will go to support this blog ministry.

The Mass Box Review plus 10% Discount and Free Giveaway at
Copyright The Mass Box. Used with permission

Also, as an affiliate, the Mass Box has offered and exciting opportunity. From now until Nov. 11 you can enter a raffle to win one FREE Mass Box (even free shipping!). That means you will have crafts for all of Advent! Get clicking folks, this is a super opportunity that will enhance the way your family celebrates all of Advent. Follow the link below to submit your entries.

***Winner will be contacted on November 12. If there is no response by Nov. 14 a new winner will be selected in order to ensure delivery of the box by the First Sunday of Advent.***

18 thoughts on “The Mass Box: Review, Discount and GIVEAWAY!

  1. To get ready for Advent, I wrap up all our Christmas/Advent books individually. Then the kids get a new “present” each day. I also try to get all my Christmas shopping done ahead of time so Advent is low-stress. 🙂


    1. What a sweet idea! I never thought of wrapping up our books before. I do try to rotate them so the stories are fresh and exciting (note to self, pull the Halloween books and find the Thanksgiving ones), but the wrapping would make it lots of fun. Thanks!


  2. This looks so great! I’m trying to think about advent now so I am ready. Last year I did a lextio divino (Waiting in his Word). We can’t have a Christmas tree this year so I might do a felt one with print-and-color Jesse tree ornaments instead. Last year was the first year I made a concerted effort to separate advent from Christmas and it was wonderful.


    1. Jessie trees are lovely! They provide great opportunities to talk about so many bible stories. I love how our Church separates Advent from Christmas. It really gives me time to focus and prepare my spirit for Jesus, not just my holiday wrapping list. 🙂


  3. I just came across your blog and am looking forward to browsing! I am printing and preparing Jesse Tree ornaments for Advent this year!


  4. I have the advent planning guide from Catholic Icing. It helps me get everything ready ahead of advent plus I also like to have all of my shopping done so I can just enjoy the season.


    1. Great Courtney! I’ve heard really good things about that site. It sounds like the planning guide would be very helpful and now is the perfect time. If you have a moment, would you share that link? Thanks so much!


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