Seventeenth Sunday of Ordinary Time – Ignatian Imaginative Prayer

This Sunday’s Gospel reading includes some famous imagery. Jesus tells us that the Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure in a field, or a pearl of great price. In both instances, a person happens upon their desired object, surprised to discover it. They swiftly go to sell all they have so they can purchase their prize, so precious it is to them.

Jesus is a master storyteller. There is so much to unpack and explore in His teachings and parables. While there are a number of angles to approach Jesus’ parables, I’d like to hold up Ignatian Contemplation, or Imaginative Prayer, as an excellent way to spend time with these parables. If you are not familiar with Ignatian imaginative prayer, or Ignatian spirituality in general, is a great resource for you to check out. In a most basic definition, Ignatian imaginative prayer involves placing yourself in the scene depicted by Scripture, something from the Gospels most often, though this method is not exclusive to the Gospels. You might be a bystander in the scene, observing as things unfold. Or, you might put yourself in the place of a certain character.

A classic example is the Parable of the Prodigal Son. In imaginative prayer, you might first place yourself in the scene as the Good Samaritan. Hear what God has to say to you about your actions and attitudes in light of the Good Samaritan’s choices. Then, a second time (either that day or in the near future), place yourself in the scene as the beaten man. A third time, as the priest or Levite. A fourth time as a robber. A fifth time as the inn keeper. A sixth time as a silent observer. This one passage, only 22 verses, seen from 6 different perspectives. This is a powerful tool!

It is also possible to walk through a passage with a guide of sorts. Either a person reading aloud, or, as I propose to do for you here, a written guide that goes through the passage. There will be prompts for reflection, questions to discover how you are perceiving a specific moment or action, moments of prayer, etc.

As I studied this Gospel, I was struck by the amount of movement happening in just a few short lines. There is a discovery, there is a flurry of activity, there is a return, there is rest. So, if you will permit me to walk with you, let’s go through Matthew 13:45-46 together. I’ll include the verses, as well as questions for you to consider. I’ll be letting you into my own imaginative prayer as I consider the story of the Pearl of Great Price from the perspective of the merchant who finds it.

The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant searching for fine pearls.

Mathew 13:45

It is a normal day. The sun is shining, I can hear birds singing. I do not expect anything unordinary to happen. In the back of my mind, I know I am looking for something, a jewel or pearl perhaps, something really worth looking at. Something so beyond compare in its perfection and beauty. I do not expect to find it today, I’m not sure I expect to ever find it. But every so often, the desire for it comes to me and I wish desperately I could find it.

What are you wishing for? What do you wish would happen in your life? Where are you looking for fulfillment?

I am walking through the shops and stalls of the market. I pause by stands as items catch my attention. I am not looking for anything particular on this trip. Money changes hands, my sack becomes heavier. I’ll need to return to my caravan soon, but there is one last stall to check. You never know what you’ll find when you aren’t looking for anything special. I go over, and in my shock, I drop my sack.

The most beautiful, precious pearl I have ever seen is on a piece of cloth.

What does the Kingdom of Heaven look like to you? What would make you stop dead in your tracks when you saw it, achieved it? If Jesus were speaking this parable to you, what image would He use?

When he finds a pearl of great price, he goes and sells all that he has and buys it.

Matthew 13:46

I am in complete shock and elation. I never thought I would find such a pearl! With my mouth still hanging open, I hurriedly pick up my fallen sack of goods, paltry items in comparison to the beauty and perfection before me. I offer them to the merchant. “Please,” I beg him, “Please I must purchase this pearl.” His price is high, higher than the goods I have with me. I think, maybe, if I can sell everything I have in reserve, that might be enough. I had him my bag in the hopes he won’t sell the pearl to anyone else. I race back to my caravan and start shouting orders to unload everything. My servants are confused, we aren’t meant to sell these items here but along the road in the next few towns. My joy is bubbling over as I wildly grin, “I found it! I have found the most perfect, most precious, most lovely pearl. It is worth every shekel the merchant is asking for it and more. It is priceless to me and nothing is going to stop me from acquiring it. We sell everything!”

Have you ever experienced a joy like this? The merchant almost sounds foolish, doesn’t he? Yet how many of us have been a fool in love, walking around with that silly, classic grin and the feeling of weightlessness? Have you ever felt this way about God, the gift of salvation or the gift of forgiveness? Is this a feeling you desire to have about God?

What lengths are you willing to go to be at Mass on Sunday? What are you willing to sacrifice for prayer time? How foolish are you willing to appear to others for the sake of the Truth of the Good News?

After selling all I have, even after telling my servants I can no longer pay them and that I am selling the caravan itself along with my favorite cloak, I finally have enough. It took some time, but I was relentless. I have nothing left in the eyes of my servants or the people I sold my goods to. They do not understand that what I am gaining far surpasses anything I am leaving behind.

Trembling, I approach the merchant. He smiles warmly, the only one with understanding in his eyes. I hand him his payment. Carefully, reverently, he wraps the pearl in its cloth and holds out his hand. I open my hands and extend them, not wanting to risk the pearl dropping. He places the pearl in my hands and closes my fingers around it.

“You have worked hard and sacrificed much, ” the merchant says to me. “Yes,” I reply. “But this moment has made it all worth it. I am finally at peace. I am no longer searching for anything in the world. All I need, I have. All I desire, I possess. My soul is finally at rest.”

Do you believe this kind of peace is meant for you? Would you be able to let go of everything for the sake of Jesus? What are you holding onto? What is keeping you from letting Jesus enter fully into your soul?

I hope this reflection resonated with you in some way. Use it as a springboard to begin a conversation with God. Perhaps one question or section really stood out to you. Go back to that place and spend some time there. What is God trying to say to you, specifically to you?

Daily Graces.

The Fourth Sunday of Easter 2023

While our Gospel passage doesn’t include the specific phrase of Jesus’, “I am the Good Shepherd,” I decided to run with it anyway. It is the immediate next verse following the Gospel for this Sunday and it is so much more than a nice pastoral picture. If Jesus is the Good Shepherd, then we are His sheep. And, unless you have had experience with sheep in a field, it might be surprising that this isn’t the most flattering of descriptions.

Sheep just aren’t smart. They don’t seek out quality food, they eat whatever is under their noses, even if it’s the roots of the plants they ate yesterday. If they fall or roll over onto their back they can’t get back up. Literally, if they end up on their backs with all 4 feet in the air the gases in their stomach will redistribute and they will die within 24 hours. If they are threatened by a predator, they have no defensive capabilities except to attempt to run away.

While sheep aren’t smart, they aren’t without good qualities (thank goodness!). Some of these qualities are highlighted in the Gospel today. Sheep know the voice of their shepherd. They are very good at distinguishing between their shepherd and a stranger. Perhaps even more importantly, they won’t willingly follow a stranger. Sheep are very obedient, provided they are in the shepherd’s presence. They will go wherever he leads them, even if it is somewhere they wouldn’t normally travel along that path in their own ramblings.

Sheep, as you can see, are not able to take care of themselves very well. They need a shepherd. We, when left to our own devices, are often not all that great at taking care of ourselves either. We need a shepherd. Jesus knew this about us which is why He calls Himself the Good Shepherd.

Jesus isn’t just any shepherd. That adjective “Good” is important. He is the Good Shepherd because, as He says:

I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.

John 10:11

No one expects an ordinary shepherd to sacrifice his very life for his sheep. The sheep can’t defend themselves, so whatever killed the shepherd would surely take the rest of the flock as well. Not so with Jesus. By laying down His life for us, He protects the whole flock, removing forever the threat of death which terrorized us. Jesus isn’t any old shepherd, He is the Good Shepherd.

This isn’t just a description, this is part of Jesus’ identity and therefore God’s identity. Jesus says: “I am the Good Shepherd.”

I am.

When Moses asked God who was sending him to the Israelites, God said, “God replied to Moses: I am who I am. Then he added: This is what you will tell the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you” (Exodus 3:14). The name of God we are able to perceive, I AM. We know Jesus is God, and we know Jesus was a good Jew. He doesn’t use this phrase lightly. Jesus is revealing to us something intimate about who He is as God. This isn’t the only time Jesus uses this specific phrase in the Gospel of John. In fact, there are 7 which have a description that follows.

I am the Bread of Life

I am the Light of the World

I am the Gate of the Sheep

I am the Good Shepherd

I am the Resurrection and the Life

I am the Way and the Truth and the Life

I am the True Vine

We don’t have time to go into each of these at present, perhaps someday each in turn. There are also a few places where Jesus simply states: I AM. One example is when He stands before the soldiers in the Garden. Jesus says, “I am” when they ask if He is Jesus of Nazareth. At the sound of this phrase, they all fall to the ground. “I am” is no ordinary phrase when spoken by Jesus in John’s Gospel and we would do well to pay attention when He uses it.

Though Jesus is human, He is God. We will never fully comprehend Him. I think that is one of the reasons why He used so many of these “I AM” statements. He is revealing more of Himself to us using metaphors we are able to grasp, even if only a little.

There are many, many titles for Jesus. King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the Door, Redeemer, Savior, Friend, Brother, the Good Shepherd. In the appendix of my Walking With Purpose Bible Study book from this year there was included the Litany of Praise. If you haven’t heard of it before, I highly encourage you to take some time (you will need some time, it’s long but it’s so good) to pray it. If you are able, this litany in adoration is powerful.

I’ll include a portion here, but do click on the link for the full litany.

I praise You,Lord Jesus! You are the Christ.
I praise You,Lord Jesus! You are Christ, the King.
I praise You,Lord Jesus! You are the Lamb of God.
I praise You,Lord Jesus! You are the Lion of Judah.
I praise You,Lord Jesus! You are the Bright Morning Star.
I praise You,Lord Jesus! You are our Champion and Shield.
I praise You,Lord Jesus! you are our Strength and our Song.
I praise You,Lord Jesus! you are our Way of our life.
Daily Graces.

Third Sunday of Easter 2023 – Road to Emmaus

I’ll be honest, I was a little stumped by this week’s Gospel reading. Maybe not stumped, but unable to hone in on a single idea for the brief video reflection that I wanted to create. So, I ended up merging two ideas, more or less successfully.

First, I mentioned the invitation of the disciples to Jesus into the house where they were going to spend the evening. More on that in a moment. Secondly, I spent the rest of the video talking about how this story is a type of analogy for the Mass. I was inspired by a homily given by Bishop Robert Barron, and I wanted to take the opportunity to share it in full for anyone interested. You can find it here.

For this accompanying blog post, I think I want to spend a little more time with the first point I made. Jesus is the master of the invitation. He calls, He doesn’t command, His disciples to come follow Him. In the Gospel of John, two of John the Baptist’s disciples begin to follow Jesus. He asks them, “What are you looking for?” They ask Him where He is staying. In the perfect one-liner, Jesus responds: “Come and see” (John 1:38-39).

Again and again, Jesus invites people into His circle. In the Gospel today, the disciples do not recognize Jesus on the road. Even as He opens their eyes to the Scriptures He fulfilled, and as they reflected afterward they realized their hearts were burning within them in Jesus’ presence, still they do not recognize Him. They would have missed Him entirely if they hadn’t extended the simple offer of hospitality. Jesus made to go on, but they stopped Him.

But they urged him, “Stay with us,
for it is nearly evening and the day is almost over.”

Luke 24:29

They led Jesus inside, and it was in the breaking of the bread that they finally recognized who He was.

We have the same choice before us every single day. Do we invite Jesus in, or do we go about our day without opening the door of our hearts to Him?

Here are a few ideas for consciously and concretely inviting Jesus into your daily life:

  • Morning Offering Prayer – there are many versions of this prayer, some are short and simple, others more complex. The basic structure of this prayer is to offer your day to Jesus, in all it’s ups and downs, to unite yourself with Jesus throughout the day, to seek His assistance in your day, and to proclaim your love for Him. When we homeschooled, we began each day with this prayer: Dear Jesus, I offer you this day, my works, my joys, my sorrows, and my play. Please help me to be good today. I love you Jesus, Amen. That’s it, it doesn’t need to be fancy. This site has a whole bunch of Morning Offerings if this one isn’t a good fit for you.
  • Setting daily check in prayer times – maybe you pray an Angelus at noon. Maybe you say a rosary while you walk every day. Setting up specific, routine, prayer times is a great way to reconnect with Jesus throughout your day. The Hallow app is great for this. You can set reminders within the app and have the prayers or reflections you want to utilize queued up and ready to go. (The link provided will give you a 3-month free trial of the full version of the app if you haven’t made an account already. This works best on a computer. I do not gain anything monetary or otherwise if you choose to use my link).
  • Frequent the sacraments. When was the last time you went to a daily Mass? What about Adoration, Confession, or other liturgical celebration offered by your parish? Invite Jesus into your schedule by prioritizing these opportunities.
  • Coming from Chiara Lubich and the Focolare Movement, be intentional about recognizing Jesus in your neighbor. When you are in the presence of others, see Jesus in them. Jesus can be encountered in every single person you come in contact with each day. Even if they aren’t your favorite person, Jesus invites us to love them as He does. For more on this, check out my post about the Cube of Love.
  • Find some inspirational saint quotes and Scripture verses. I have a friend who loves to be reminded of the things she has read, so she puts post-it notes everywhere. One over the kitchen sink, one or two on the bathroom mirror, the visor of her car. Anyplace that catches her eye or where she spends a lot of time. She changes them up also, which I think is so wise. We can start to glaze over things we see on a highly regular basis. Either changing the quotes around, or switching up the color of paper they are written on, can help avoid this.
  • Add your own ideas in the comments. It would be great to hear your ideas about how to invite Jesus into your everyday life. What works for you? What do you want to try?
Daily Graces.